Thursday, May 3, 2012

More Time!

I feel like I need more time! I always seem to have something to do, even if it is something small, there is always something. I am a stay at home mommy and I am always exhausted. I don't know how mommies do it when they have to work and I REALLY don't know how mommies do it when they don't have daddies to help. I am so thankful when Todd gets home from work just so I can have a little relief. I am the type of stay at home mommy that gets up every morning and gets dressed and gets my kids dressed for the day, even if we really don't have anywhere to go, I have to get everyone dressed. Whether we go to the park or to my mom's house or to church. I go to church at least twice a week and every other week, three times. Taelyn goes into the children's center and Trent into the nursery. It is two hours on Wednesdays and every other Friday for two hours. Then and hour and a half on Sundays. Taelyn LOVES it, I think she is the only child that doesn't want to leave when I pick her up. I love the fellowship with others who are like me and striving for the things I strive for. On the days that we are not at church, we run errands and have play dates. I try and do things to teach and stimulate Taelyn. I am from a generation that watches an over abundance of TV, I like my share of TV, but when it comes to Taelyn, I just really don't want her to watch it. I let her watch TV, but not much at all and I regulate what she watches and I also monitor what Todd and I watch when she is present. I don't know why I have such a disdain for TV, all of a sudden, but it is really bothering me. I would rather read a book or color or work on the alphabet or numbers with Taelyn. I want my daughter to be the best at EVERYTHING! I am really trying to not obsess over it, I don't force her to do flash cards, or read books or numbers. I want her to still be a kid, but I want her to be the smartest kid for her age. With that being said, I need to back off and really let her be a kid because after reading this, I feel like I sound like a crazy person and I don't want to be that mom. I just feel like she is growing up so fast that if I don't take the time to do the things to teach her, I am gonna run out of time. Therefore, I wish I had MORE TIME! A birthday party
Hanging out with the Hekman kids
Story time at the Library
My Chunker Man after story time
Dinner from a few nights ago

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