Friday, October 14, 2011

Trent's Birth Story

Finally, he is here!!! Just as I wanted and prayed for I delivered my baby boy on October 10, 2011. It was a long and grueling process. I was scheduled for induction Sunday the 9th at 10 pm, but I went into labor all on my own. Todd and I were making a cast of my belly when I began to feel the contractions. So when we got to the hospital, they said that instead of starting the pitocin drip, we would just see how far my body will go on its own. I was dilated to 4 and my contractions were about 8 mins apart. It was a long night. Gerri joined us at about midnight and we did absolutely NOTHING!! We slept pretty much all night and in the morning I haven't changed so we started the pitocin drip. It seemed like things were moving along well, I was dilating and so we didn't think it would be much longer. WRONG!

I got the epidural when I was dilated to 7. That is when we hit a wall. My blood pressure dropped significantly and there was nothing that could be done when that happened. We had to wait for it to go up before we proceed any further. When my blood pressure finally stabilized, it was 3 hours later. The nurse came into check me and my water broke! Fast forwarding, after my water broke, it took about 2 hours, and I started pushing at about 5:30ish and by 5:50 he was here! It was traumatic because in the middle of pushing, I was told not to push because his umbilical cord was tied around his neck. After the doctor cut it off, then I did one more push and he was out. He was perfect!

Getting ready for my boy

Our information

Trent Michael DiMillo 7 pounds 10 ounces 19 inches born at 5:50 pm

Proud Daddy with his boy

Sweet Gerri was a GREAT coach!

My mom was not such a great coach... but she is a wonderful grandma!

Daddy, Mommy and Trent moments after he was born

Trent's nails were so long that he scratched his face :(

Trent and Daddy

Taelyn waiting to meet her baby brother

She seemed to really like him

She was fascinated by him

Taelyn is a big sister!

She wanted to hold him all by herself

She was watching closely while her baby brother was getting checked out.

Such a proud big sister

Kisses for baby brother

Handsome Trent

Beautiful Taelyn

Our 1st pictures as a family of FOUR!

Grampy and Grammy with their grand babies

Grandpa and Apo with thier new grandson

Alina came to visit

Uncle Marco came for a visit

Alina and me

Sweet boy

This is where Todd slept

Burping my little one after he ate

His going home outfit

Football booty

Tired boy

My blue toes

Heading home finally

Waiting for Todd to pull up

1 comment:

Trent is 6!!

I blinked and my man turned six years old.  Every year I have had a huge party.  According to Trent, I give all of his friends weapons on hi...