Saturday, September 1, 2012

Trent's Surgery

Trent was born with HYPOSPADIAS. It is something that is pretty common among boys. There are many different levels of severity and thankfully Trent's case was not very sever. Our pediatrician was hopeful that by the time he was 6 months, he would have grown out of it, but at his 6 month appointment, it was clear that he hadn't. So we took the proper steps that followed up to his surgery and he was scheduled for July, but he was sick, so we had to reschedule in August.

Her is my man while we were waiting to be seen
This was when they were taking his weight and temperature
He was so curious about this little thing
My little Monkey Man
He waited so patiently
Trent didn't like the hospital gown
He was such a happy guy
He fell asleep nearly 5 minutes after that last picture
When he woke up, he didn't mind the hospital gown so much
He was so pleasant
The nurses and doctors couldn't believe cooperative and happy he was. They said he didn't even cry!
We did a whole lot of waiting and what do I do when I wait? Take pictures! It was a pretty boring, yet stressful day. I hate that I was alone, while Todd was home with Taelyn, but we had to so what we had to do. It was an hour and a half surgery. Not that it was super long, but I just worry. He took it like a champ and his recovery was very easy. He didn't seem to be in any pain at all. It was much better than I expected. Thank God. I am just so glad it is all over and we can put it behind us. I don't want to have to think about his hypospadias ever again, and according to the doctors, we never will. Again, Thank God!

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Trent is 6!!

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