Taelyn has some serious OCD tendencies. Everyday, it's the exact same. I, being a diagnosed "Obsessive Compulsive" will try my best to not cater to OR stifle her tendencies. It's a fine line. Growing up, my mom was irritated with my meticulousness and would chastise me for the quirky things I did, until I was completely tossed over the edge when I found out I had cancer. I don't want that to happen to Taelyn. I consider myself fortunate because I have this history. I'm concerned, but I'm not concerned. She has some major fits if things aren't just perfect, but I try to stay calm and let her work it out herself. This is a hard one for me. I am VERY strong willed and I seem to be raising a daughter who has been gifted with the same trait. Most days I look at the things Taelyn does and laugh because it reminds me so much of me. I really don't know if I made her this way, or if it really is just IN her, maybe I will never know, but I do know, I am better equipped to handle it.
List of some of Taelyn's quirkiness:
Her hair MUST be done neatly in a ponytail. I can do whatever I want in the front/top, just as long as it is pulled into ONE ponytail.
Taelyn has her purse AT. ALL. TIMES. If it is not in her hands or over her shoulder, it is within reach.
When I take a picture or video of her, she demands to see it right away and if she doesn't like it, it MUST be deleted! (Sounds a little like someone I know)
This picture was approved
She LOVES "Her Baby" She takes care of him like she is his Mommy. In this picture, he had just fallen out of his car and she picked up the car and kissed his "oh oh"
I really can't get enough of these two
They look like twins
This is BY FAR my MOST favorite picture of them to date. (And they have A LOT of pictures) I think I shed a tear or two when I was called out of the shower (by Todd) to witness this sweetness
She is OBSESSED with Tutu's she would seriously wear them EVERYDAY if I allowed it.
She will even wear a tutu to sleep when I let her.
She goes to sleep this fly pretty much on a nightly basis
This was her outfit today. Taelyn told Trent, "I am the princess and this is my kingdom, you must do what I say!"
Taelyn dances ALL. THE. TIME! I absolutely adore it. I can't get enough of it. I have so many videos on YouTube You can subscribe to my channel, I think that is how it works. I have way too many videos to add here.
Taelyn HATES to be dirty! She fell right after I picked her up from TLC at church and she refused to get into the car until I changed her.
It was a cold day and I only had shorts in the car, that were Trent's. I told her I would change her when we got home and she threw a major fit. She kicked and screamed until I put Trent's shorts on her and she was instantly happy, as you can see.
Taelyn is such a witty girl with a LOT of SASS! I just cant wait (well, I can, I don't want her to grow too fast!) to see what kind of person she is going to grow up up to be.
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