Our 1st few days in Alabama were a complete blur. I just know that we got there, picked up our rental car and drove for what seemed like 10 years to get from Atlanta to Eufaula, Alabama. In reality it was like 2 hours and 15 minutes, still crazy long to drive from an airport. I don't remember what we did when we got to Todd's mom's house, I don't know what was said. I just know were were exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically.
Dana was the 1st sibling to get there, then Todd and I, and then David. The last time we were all together like that was last August for Dana's graduation.
It is very rare that they are all together, but when they are, it is always such a sweet time. Every time Todd and David are together I am amazed at how much they are alike. This time, Taelyn was old to be playful with them. She called David "Dada" a few times. It was cute. They really are, physically, so much alike.
The funeral was lovely, really a celebration of life. Oma lived an amazing life and many great pictures and stories were shared. She was loved by many and was able to see her children have children and her grandchildren have children. What a blessing that is in itself. I was just really sad she was never able to meet Taelyn. That was one of the reasons for our trip out in July :( Death is just something really hard to deal with, but knowing all of this and when she was able to speak, she helped settle everyone's hearts by telling them not to fuss over her, she was ready to go. and she wasn't afraid, so that really took most of the sad out of it and more a celebration of her home going. She was buried next to her husband and it was just as sweet as can be. I know in my heart she is in heaven having the time of her life.
The rest of our trip was just as relaxing as can be. We spent our days chilling in the pool and just hanging out with family. It was a nice break, there were a few adventures that I will give separate blog post for. Here are some random shots of our relaxing time.
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