We had an awesome, family filled Easter. We started our morning with the word. We went to the early service at Abundant Living. After church, all the family met at my mom's house for food and family time. Our favorite thing ever. Everyone was looking great in our Easter Bests. The DiMillo's were coordinated in lavender. I thought it was a nice touch for us all to wear like colors.
The weather was particularly cold and rainy. That didn't put a damper on our Easter festivities. We just decided to do our Easter Egg Hunt inside and hide everything in the living room. The kids really didn't seem to mind that at all. Gigi hid the eggs in easy places for Taelyn and Leah and in some harder places for Allan and Maya.
The kids had a great time despite the fact we were in the house. These eggs didn't have candy in them since these kids eat way too much candy... these eggs had MONEY. I don't think the kids were even interested in the money, they were just excited to look for and find the eggs. It was great fun. Maya found the most eggs, then Allan, then Leah and then Taelyn. Maya was an egg finding machine. She was quick and had such a great eye. Allan was just a step behind Maya every time. Leah went by herself and found the obvious eggs that Maya and Allan passed up. Taelyn was not really into it. She found 1 egg and just walked around with that 1 egg. I found another egg for her and she had an egg in each hand, so she was just as happy as can be. The egg hunt was a success!
Here are a few pics of the men:
We all just hung out and talked and ate. I love my family and cherish all of our moments. Oh, I also let the cat out of the bag that we are expanding our family. Everyone was so happy and excited for us, to my relief. This was right before we had to leave. As we took a picture of all the women, Todd said to say "Cheese" and as everyone said "Cheese" I blurted out "I'm Pregnant!!!"
Everyone smiled until the flash went off and then I got a lot of "Really's" and "You're kidding" "Congrats" "I'm so happy" "Taelyn's gonna be a big sister" "How far along are you?" "Why did you wait so long to tell us???" They were shocked and to be completely honest, I was shocked as well. I am 14 weeks. We just wanted to wait until we were in the clear before we told anyone. It makes me happy that everyone was happy for us.
We left my mom's to go to Todd's coworker's 40th Surprise Birthday Party. There were lots of things to do at Erwin's. Todd tried riding a bike with her. She seemed to love it!
We had an AMAZING Easter.