I have been completely slacking on my blog... things have been kinda hectic. I guess I am gonna start from where I left off. Todd and I had an awesome night together on the 18th, then on the 19th we were scheduled for induction. We were supposed to go in at 7am, but anyone who knows our doctor knows he is late, so instead of waiting and getting frustrated, Todd and I took our time to get to the hospital. Besides, I really didn't want Taelyn to be born on the 19th, (I don't like odd numbers)
Todd and I had some yummy Thai food at Le Basil. I wanted to have something good to eat because one thing I learned from our many trips to Labor and Delivery, is that once you are there, you don't get to eat until everything is over or they send you home. I was not about to go into this long journey hungry! After we ate, we went to Brookside Park near the hospital to just kinda spend some time together and video tape what a beautiful day it was, and Todd wanted to capture my waddle. He said that is something he didn't want to forget. We were calm and collected and very happy and in love with each other and VERY excited about the new adventure we were about to embark upon.
We arrived at the hospital at about 1pm. We were admitted and given a room. It was just us for most of the day. The nurses hooked me up to my IV, then gave me Pitocine to induce the labor. It was an all day thing. I wasn't worried because I didn't want to have Taelyn until after midnight. This time around, Todd brought my laptop, so I was on Facebook and playing games for the majority of the beginning of the labor.
When the contractions started getting worse and worse, the nurse finally said I could get the epidural. That was not great, once the needle was in, my blood pressure as well as Taelyn's blood pressure dropped. It was a VERY scary moment for Todd, my mom and Gigi. I honestly don't remember what happened, but I do vaguely remember Todd cussing at the anesthesiologist. When everything was better and we were stable, I asked Gigi what happened, and she was surprised that I didn't know. I guess I was being asked questions and I was answering, but I really don't remember. Todd got upset because he didn't think the doctor was moving fast enough to fix whatever was going on. (hence the cussing)
After the epidural, things were at a standstill. Things didn't start happening until about 7am, and by 7:43am, she was here. I was coached by Todd, my mom and Gigi. It was rough. The pushing was no problem it was after the pushing where I was supposed to be resting, that HURT. I had a lot of tension in my neck that hurt like nothing I ever felt before. YES I was on Facebook the entire time. I had my phone and was updating. They tried numerous amounts of time to take my phone away, but it was like my security. It helped me focus. Labor was not as bad as I thought it would be, it helped me to think that people do it all the time. There is nothing that compares to the end result. I had Taelyn Mylanh DiMillo at 7:43am on March 20, 2010.
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